Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Panama City (Week 6)


So this week we start our journey in Panama City.  Florida?  Nope, Panama.  (Yep, never been to that P.C.)

1st date - "Will our love survive...pack 3 things":  Kacie B

This dates takes our Bachelor and Kacie off in..............(yep, you guessed it).......a helicopter!  I know, you're just as shocked as I am, right? Not!

They landed on a deserted island and they immediately reveal the 3 things that they brought with them.

Kacie B: stuffed monkey, McGuyver tool, candy
Ben: machete, fishing net, matches

Obviously Ben's things came in more handy, but in Kacie's defense, he knew what they were doing and she did not.

They spent time on the island rescuing coconuts from trees, capturing fish, and enjoying each other's company. 

Can love survive..........yep, guess it did because Kacie B got the rose.

2nd date - "Let's get lost":  Emily, Nicki, Lindzi, Casey S, Courtney, and Jamie

Well, I was kind of hoping that with that description that maybe Courtney was going to get the boot.  I know, I'd like to tell her to get lost.......however, I think the only thing lost on this date were Courtney's clothes. *sigh*

The group and Ben go down the river in this huge canoe.  The water looked like mud.  (yuck)

They arrive at this location where a tribe lives.  Seems that the tribe had been expecting them as they all came out as soon as they arrived. The men took Ben away and the ladies grabbed the girls and took them into these huts.

The women gave the girls new clothing (not much of it) to wear.....and one of the tribe women showed the girls what needed to be under the top.....which was nothing.  However, most of the girls opted to keep their bikini tops and bottoms on and just put the new *clothes* on top of them.  Yep, you read right.....most........dear 'ol Courtney went commando under her new clothes........which caused the network to have to blur out the screen quite a bit during this date.

Ben came out in nothing but a loin cloth........and the girls were pleased.  Ben was also pleased........with she was the only girl that was blurred.

The group drew on each other and made these ink tattoos.  Courtney drew a B+C= <3 on Ben's back.  Really?? Are you in elementary or something???

After the day with the tribe, they cleaned up and went back to the hotel to hang out.  During Ben's time with Courtney she invited him to come to her room later. 

Lindzi got the rose on this date......much to Courtney's chagrin.

Courtney didn't care though.......she went to her room and got all prettied up and waited for Ben.  But, yay for Ben.......he didn't show up!!  Good for you Ben. Proud of ya!!

3rd date - "Save the last dance for me": Rachel & Blakeley

On the dreaded 2 on 1, they went salsa dancing.  However, when Blakeley danced.........I think she needed a pole. 

After dancing, they went to dinner.  Awkward.  Go on a date with a guy and another romantic. uh yeah.....Can you say third wheel??  Ben spent time with each girl.  Blakeley showed Ben the scrapbook that she made of him.  (That's kind of creepy).......evidently Ben thought so to, as Blakeley was the one sent home on the 2 on 1 date.  To show her maturity, Blakeley stormed off.  Oh well, not sad to see the big teeth leaving.

Before the cocktail party, Chris comes and gets Casey S (the mysterious girl).  Chris talks to Casey S about her ex, maybe not ex boyfriend Michael.  She explains that she's still in love with Michael, however he won't marry her, so she came on the show to see if Ben would marry her.  Yeah, that's CRAZY!  Chris says that she needs to be honest and tell Ben, so they go see him together.  After Casey S spills her guts that she's still in love with Michael, Ben tells her "I think you should go home". And she's sent home.

Jamie talks to Ben during the party and decides to make her move and show Ben that she is interested in him.  Only thing is.......she came on way too strong.  She'd been so reserved with him and then to all of a sudden straddle him in her short dress and start kissing him was a bit much to take.  He said it was like from 0 to 60.  She then was coaching him on how they should kiss.  Not the best one on one time......which sealed her fate.

Rose Ceremony:

Kacie B

No rose:
Casey S

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