Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Found out some sad news yesterday.  A friend of mine passed away on Jan 27 from cancer.  I had no idea.  I think in some ways, I'm still in a bit of shock.  We were good friends several years ago when we worked together and we talked every day/several times a day.  Then I don't remember what happened, but we lost touch.  Found out that the cancer had gotten really bad last year..........sure wish I would have known.  Would have found a way to call and/or write and let him know that I was thinking about him.  But, cannot do that now.  Even though I haven't talked to him in years, it never changes that he was my friend.  I miss you Joel and I'm so sorry that we lost touch. :(

I guess this loss has made me think a lot lately.  I'm the type of person that once we become friends, you are my friend for life.  We may grow apart, move away, not talk, or whatever, but that never stops you from being my friend.  I treasure my friends. 

I am blessed to have many friends, some that are closer than others, but I am thankful for each and every one.

Love your friends and treasure every moment that you have with them, for you never know when you may never get the chance to do that again.

1 comment:

  1. {{Kerri}} I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. Sending big hugs your way!
